Message to one diktator re another

Wednesday 16 February 2011

Israel Matzav: Sexual assault of CBS reporter in Egypt: Horrifying but not surprising

 "I am sure that by now you have all heard the story of Lara Logan, the CBS News reporter who was sexually assaulted while covering the celebrations in Tahrir Square last Friday night. On Wednesday, we received the additional detail that while Logan was being assaulted, her assailants were screaming 'Jew, Jew' (Hat Tip: Memeorandum).
This is from a 2006 post by the Sandmonkey - one of the first things I ever read on his blog.
The story is as follows for the those of you who didn't hear about it: It was the first day of Eid, and a new film was opening downtown. Mobs of males gatherd trying to get in, but when the show was sold out, they decided they will destroy the box office. After accomplishing that, they went on what can only be described as a sexual frenxy: They ran around grabbing any and every girl in sight, whether a niqabi, a Hijabi or uncoverd. Whether egyptian or foreigner. Even pregnant ones. They grabbed them, molested them, tried to rip their cloths off and rape them, all in front of the police, who didn't do shit. "Israel Matzav: Sexual assault of CBS reporter in Egypt: Horrifying but not surprising.
We need more of this; the more western dhimmis and mozlem-lovers come under attack from their beloved the better!! How else will they know how Israel feels?

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