Philosemitism: Belgium: a 85-year old Holocaust survivor assaulted at a bridge club: "The head of a Brussels bridge club aged 60 violently slapped in the face a Holocaust survivor aged 85 who fought against the Nazis and who helped save a number of young girls from the Gestapo.
Nothing - absolutely nothing - can justify that a much younger man assaults an elderly man. Reginald Delacroix is unrepentant and claims that Mr. Bernard Fenerberg [photo] was the aggressor... Sadly, a number of people witnessed the assault and did not show any sympathy with the victim - some of them were Jews. The blog that reports the incident observes that many within the Jewish community show a regrettable lack of sympathy to the suffering of others. "
how exactly? This tells you nothing of what happened. You are only hearing his side. I disagree with violence in all its forms but to say Belgium is a car park for the Nazi Army would suggest that you know more about this than you are letting on? If the man was not Jewish would the Nazi army quote have been mentioned?