Message to one diktator re another

Wednesday 18 August 2010

Welfare System Destroying Somali Families in Norway? (Islam in Europe)

Stoning of Somali man to death.
According to the post, Somali women are getting divorced as soon as they reach Norway, preferring to live as single parents. This is also true in Canada.

Now the lefties, ever keen to blame anything but the real fault, are claiming that the welfare system is destroying families.

So what are they going to do? Follow Somali custom and stone the women for daring to leave possibly abusive husbands? Install sharia law so they are trapped for all eternity or they die having their throat cut?

Maybe the Somali women are grateful to be rescued by the state from domineering families and violent spouses.

In islam, a father-in-law is permitted to have sex with his daughter-in-law. What is to stop all males in the family abusing one's children?

The lefties are clearly submitting to the pressure from tribal elders, under the illusion that they are protecting Somali "kulcha".

The powers that be in Norway should be far more worried about the horrific rise in anti-semitism and the attacks on Christians by muslims shipped in by the lorry-load, than Somali women who have found a way to escape violence!!

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