Message to one diktator re another

Wednesday, 18 August 2010

Breaking news from BBC Radio 4 News: Bosnian muslims threatening war!

In  news broadcast moments ago, Bosnian muslims threatened all out war against non-muslims in Bosnia.

The piece was initially about a vision of Jesus Christ seen at a site in Medujorge. Christian pilgrims from all over the world had come to pay their respects, holding their national flags and singing hymns.

But of course, where there are muslims there is discord; the muslims objected to the presence of the church and the Christians. They were "uneasy" about the procession of Christians.

As we know, the EU, US and UN have already submitted to islam and they will scurry to do whatever their Saudi masters order them to.

The reporter quoted the Bosnians as saying that " if they did not get their way, they would take things into their own hands... there will be a war...!

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