Message to one diktator re another

Thursday, 19 August 2010


These are comments following the post below:


  1. Perhaps they didn't understand what being a Zionist means.
    How much do you want to bet these people are living safely outside the borders of Israel?

    Settlers hate me, and I'm still not blind enough to advocate any concessions regarding Judea and Samaria. How can a Jew hand away Judea to his enemies?!
    When I hear Israelis calling Hebron 'occupied territory', it makes my blood boil. Yes, it is occupied by Muslim colonists - kick 'em out!

  2. It's great to hear that from someone else, honestly, because sometimes I feel like the whole world has gone crazy: one side is filled with murderous maniacs, and the other with apologetic amoebas that hate their own people more than their enemies.

    If, for example, Muslims would dare mock England 200 years ago like they do today, the bastard would find themselves facing the bad end of a cannon, and that was perfectly fine!
    People knew how to deal with enemies back then, they knew that there's a competition between civilizations, and that if you don't come up on top, someone else will.
    But thanks to genocidal murderers like Stalin and Hitler, the relatively sane part of the world is now so full of guilt, that it's afraid to defend itself from the same type of genocidal murderers who hide under the lies of 'universal religion' and 'cultural diversity'.
    Wake up, damnit! Wake up before we're all dead, or wearing robes.

    Man, I really needed to get this off my chest. Usually when I try to explain the subject to other people it feels like beating a brick wall with a feather.

  3. You are so right, Erick! what has happened to these bathetic(I mean bathetic!) morons, that they think of themselves and money first!!

    Elizabeth I would have sent Sir Walter Raleigh and Sir Francis Drake against them, as she did against the Barbary(North African muslims)pirates!!

    Well said!

  4. I would pay good money to see Sir Francis Drake, Oliver Cromwell, Arthur Wellesley, or even Winston Churchill deal with the Islamic threat - both the external, and internal.

    And you can throw in Horatio Nelson into that mix as well, just for good measure (I don't think the towel heads have any real fleet to speak of - the sea reminds them of bathing).

    Which brings me to a question about these days: If the purpose of an army is to defend the country, how are intelligent soldiers supposed to risk their life at the front, knowing that in the meanwhile traitors are selling their homeland to the same enemies?
    Imagine winning a war overseas, only to return to London, and hear muezzins crying from the top of mosques!
