Arccording to David Gardner in today's Daily Mail, Israel must do the dirty deed!
Why is that? Because, according to sage Gardner, "Tehran is planning to bring its first Bushehr reactor online on Saturday..."
"If the Israelis fail to act, Mr (John)Bolton said, 'Iran will achieve something that no other opponent of Israel, no other enemy of the United States in the Middle East really has...'"
I have great respect and liking for John Bolton, former US ambassador to the UN. And I know his reasons for making this statement are not the cynical ones used by government officials and journalists.
Mr Gardner, the journalist, is making this statement because it suits him and many others, to have Israel do their dirty work for them!
America and Britain will not be blamed and admonished by their beloved islamic buddies, as they were following the intervention in Afghanistan and Iraq.
So as Israel is the main state under threat anyway, she should attack Iran, do the West's bidding because it will save Israel too! How perfect is that?
While the US, Britain and their EU allies bumble and fumble around in Iraq and Afghanistan,causing tens of thousands of deaths( why the hell did the US under Bush, open the borders to Iran, 3 days after their invasion of Iraq?) Israel makes surgical attacks on her terrorist neighbours.
Whatever Israel does, she will be blamed and censured: if she attacks Iran, Obama/osama will probably announce she did it the wrong way, killing too many people(or whatever!) The Cleggaron will say the Israelis have turned Iran into a concentration camp. All the mahounds and their useful idiots will use it as an excuse to attack and delegitimise Israel even more.
So although I wholeheartedly believe an attack on Iran is necessary, I am totally sickened by the suggestions that Israel should act alone!
I wonder if they are waiting for the jihadi in the White House to lose his majority, come November?