Message to one diktator re another

Sunday 17 January 2010

Mentor of Suicide Bomber "teaches" at London School of Economics.

The British Government promised to ban Islam4UK. AlMajhiroun, all the garbage that stands for one entity; the Muslim Brotherhood.

And here, according to the Daily Mail(16 Jan 10) we have confirmation that the Gov. has actually RESTORED ties with one of these islamic tentacles!

Despite the deputy leader of the Muslim Council of Britain,Daud Abdulla signing a declaration in support of HAMAS. MCB also advocated attacks against the Royal Navy, if they had the nerve to try to stop arms being shipped to Gaza!

This is not my government! It appears more like a proxy government.

Furthermore, Reza Pankhurst(like the womens' suffragist?)is teaching and studying for a PhD at the London School of Economics, and is alleged to have been the influence behind Omar Sharif, who took part in a suicide attack against Israel in 2007. This individual is being supported, as usual, by the tax-payer.

Reza Pankhurst is giving sermons, according to a source, on the need to establish an islamic caliphate around the world.

And according to Reza's stepfather, dhimmi Derek, Reza is " the village vicar."

A university friend of Reza claimed that Reza and Omar Sharif were both radicalised at the same time, at London King's College in the mid 1990's.

King's College being part of London University, where Umar Mutallab, the knicker-bomber, spewed his venom at the local islamic student union.

Islam is islam: all these individuals are doing is carrying out what their book says.

Or as all the dhimmi left loonies call it: Kulcha!

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