Message to one diktator re another

Monday 25 January 2010

Another Islamonazi, Banned in US, Has Cock Sucked By UK Administration.

Yahya Ibrahim, who describes Jews as pigs and monkeys, (Who would you rather have as a companion: a pig, a monkey or some islamonazi who wants to behead you slowly with a rusty blade?) is coming on tour to the UK.Here are some more that have been banned elsewhere but are let into the UK by the National Socialist in power:

Abu Ameena Bilal Philips(What is the point of hanging onto an English name? Oh it's become islamic, has it?)
Abdul Rahman Al Sudais
Tariq Suwaidan
Sheik Qazi Hussain Ahmed, who is from mecca.

Ibrahim, who practices The Big Lie, delivered a lecture in Texas once, entitled "Muslims beware Extremism".

And still the murderous scum pour in to this country, courtesy of the UK Reich - or should that be the EU Reich, who control all our laws now.

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