Message to one diktator re another

Tuesday, 28 December 2010

YID With LID: Just What the Heck is Kwanzaa?

The man who created the holiday, Maulana Karenga was a convicted violent felon. In 1971 Karenga was convicted of torturing two women who were members of US (United Slaves), a black nationalist cult he had founded.

A  May 14, 1971,  article in the Los Angeles Times described the testimony of one of them: "Deborah Jones, who once was given the Swahili title of an African queen, said she and Gail Davis were whipped with an electrical cord and beaten with a karate baton after being ordered to remove their clothes. She testified that a hot soldering iron was placed in Miss Davis' mouth and placed against Miss Davis' face and that one of her own big toes was tightened in a vise. Karenga, head of US, also put detergent and running hoses in their mouths, she said."
 YID With LID: Just What the Heck is Kwanzaa?

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