Message to one diktator re another

Tuesday, 28 December 2010

Islam in Europe: Germany: Catholic leader warns against anti-Muslim incitement

"The leader of Germany's 26 million Catholics spoke out Tuesday in defence of Muslims and warned Christians to stay on their guard against hatemongers.

Archbishop Robert Zollitsch, the head of the Catholic Bishops' Conference, told the German Press Agency dpa that his church wants more dialogue with Muslims.

Asked if current anti-terrorist alerts might lead to discord between Christians and Muslims, he said 'there has been no sign of it' as far as he can tell."

Where does this paragon of virtue live, I wonder! Has he not heard of the massacre of Christians in Iraq, in the Philippines, in Pakistan? Where is his voice of outrage and condemnation at these genocidal acts?

Nowhere! He sees no sign of conflict between mozlems and Christians?

This creature is NO Christian, he is a mozlem and is protecting THEM, by lying - taqqiya!!

This creature is an islamonazi, who cares more for mozlems than for the Christians he purports to lead! A treacherous nazi!

But all roads lead to Rome: to the Hitler youth nazi Pope!!

Islam in Europe: Germany: Catholic leader warns against anti-Muslim incitement

1 comment:

  1. I wonder how much did muslim interest groups, or their EU equivalents paid this insignificant to further their cause.
    I think this act of abandoning thousands of Christians to torture and murder by muslims constitutes both treason, and blasphemy.

    My, my, looks like a certain Archbishop just doesn't believe in hell strongly enough ;)
