Message to one diktator re another

Sunday 2 January 2011

Julian Assange, Wikileaks, UN, Ahmadi and the Jews

by Joseph W, with a hat-tip to Eyal
"Julian Assange this past week was interviewed by Al Jazeera. Unfortunately for us, the interview is totally dubbed in Arabic, meaning Assange’s original words are lost for now. When you translate from English into Arabic back into English, you inevitably lose the original words which were spoken. Nevertheless, we have a transcript in two parts which is worth analysing.
When asked why only 22 of the 2217 documents about Israel have been released so far,  Assange answers:
وهذا يعكس ربما بعض الانحياز من جانب نيويورك تايمز التي ربما لم ترد نشر بعض المواد عن إسرائيل لأن نيويورك تايمز بالطبع هي في نيويورك وعليهم أن يراعوا حساسيات معينة حول مشاعر وتصورات السكان اليهود هناك
"This may reflect some bias on the part of the New York Times, which probably do not want to publish some articles about Israel, because the New York Times, of course, is in New York and they have to respect the sensitivities of certain feelings and perceptions about the Jewish population there"
This is very bizarre. The New York Times is not known for being particularly pro-Israel. As far as I am aware, the New York Times has reported on the cables that it has seen and redacted along with Assange.
I don’t know why Assange says that the lack of cables on Israel may reflect bias, or that the NYT probably doesn’t want to publish this material – surely Assange would know for sure. Assange has not said anything like this in any other interviews that I am aware of."


  1. Hello...this is from an Arabic newsstation and I wouldnt trust them as far as I can throw them. For the Arabs they say one thing and for the west they say another. I say only trust them on local media. What did an Arab leader say to the Arabs and things that do not concern Islam or Israel

    But good work and thanks for the tidbit!!

  2. Thanks, Meir! I believe the real reason Assange is not publishing these other cables is that the cables show Israel in a positive light. That does not serve his interests.

  3. The NYT and the Arab agenda are one and the same. If only a small percentage of documents relating to Israel has been released, it's like Meir says, this has to do with withholding as much as possible praise of that country, which both the NYT and the Ayrabs intensely despise.

    Assange, if he really believes the NYT would "respect the sensitivities of certain feelings and perceptions about the Jewish population there", is so off the mark, because the NYT cares more about what Ayrabs think, and could care less for Jewish opinion. And this disdain for Jewish opinion is nothing new to this publication; Already during the holocaust it's well documented how they held Jewish opinion in low esteem.
