Message to one diktator re another

Monday 1 February 2010

Tim Smit: the new Pol Pot?

Tim Smit, the Dutch-born creator of the Eden Project says:

"Britain is obsessed with its past...stately homes and other historic places are almost always overrated".

Don't visit them Tim Smit: you have a choice in Britain. Not like totalitarian states; they always have contempt for the past and want to destroy historic monuments. They are OUR heritage, not yours, so CLAWS OFF!

People who have contempt for the past, also have contempt for the truth. Look at those whose shoulders you would stand on Tim Smit: Pol Pot and his Year Zero, Ahmadinejad's Islamic Republic, Adolf Hitler.

But no; you think you're unique, a narcissist: you wish to destroy the past in order to invest it with your own image.

You are the frontrunner for the new Taliban

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