Rochdale 'child sex-ring' trial: Girl 'grabbed by throat'

There is nothing unusual about these men: they are average devout mozlems. They have probably raped their own daughters and nieces and had run out of underage girls to rape. It happens all the time in mozlem communities. It just never gets out.
Seven of the 11 men accused of the child sex offences are on bailLiverpool Crown Court was told the victim was forced to have sex with 21
men over two years.The girl was one of five alleged victims, including one aged 13 at the time, who were allegedly "shared" and "passed around" by 11 men.All the men deny conspiracy to engage in sexual activity with children under the age of 16.The offences are said to have happened in and around Rochdale, Greater Manchester, in 2008 and 2009.Turned on her
Police interviews were played to jurors in which a 15-year-old victim, who is now 19, re-lived the moment she was taken to the home of Adil Khan, one of the defendants, who was known to the girls as "Billy".
"They were saying things like, 'she's fat but she'll be easy'”
Alleged victim, speaking in a police interview:She went to the house in Oswald Street, Rochdale, with a slightly older girl (Girl A) and four men were waiting for them.The teenager, who cannot be identified, refused to have sex with one of the men who then turned on her.
She said he had grabbed her throat after she had sworn at him.The teenager told police she was "scared" of Girl A, who was pushing her into having sex with numerous men.The jury heard how she was raped and forced to have sex with numerous men by the 59-year-old defendant - the only one of the 11 who cannot be identified.Then another of the defendants, Abdul Aziz, known to the girls as Tariq, "took over", the jury was told.
Jurors heard she would see Girl A and Mr Aziz at the Tasty Bites takeaway in Market Street, Heywood, where she was introduced to men whom she was expected to have sex with.The takeaway is now under new management.The witness said the men there had made her feel "scared" and "awful"."They were saying things like, 'she's fat but she'll be easy, and things like that'," she told the police.'Sister forced'
Asked in the police interview why she did not leave earlier, she responded: "I don't know. I got scared of [Girl A] and scared of Tariq."
And of course, mozlems are very keen on abortion, it helps them get rid of their mistakes - or their girl children!Girl A threatened to tell the victim's mother what she had been doing and also said she would "get her battered" if she did not have sex with the men she was taken to, jurors heard.Mr Aziz would get paid £30 or £40 and the girls would sometimes get £10. Other times they would not be paid at all, the court was told.Jurors heard that Girl A even forced her 13-year-sister into having sex with the men.
Read the rest here.The girl became pregnant and had an abortion.
Give them goats and they'll rape the goats too. But their women they demean as well. Which tells you they regard goats higher than women. Funny how warped this mozlem's mind can become - but damn true!