'Shoot him again to make sure he dies': Boy, 15, gunned down in front of his classmates after refusing to join march in support of Syria's President Assad
By Hugo Gye
Last updated at 1:30 PM on 20th November 2011
Mohammed Mulla Eissa's only crime was refusing to join a pro-regime march when ordered to do so by militiamen who had come to his school.
The boy was apparently shot in front of his classmates; beaten with truncheons; and then killed after an officer ordered: 'Shoot him again to make sure he dies.'

Victim: 15-year-old Mohammed Mulla Eissa was killed at school for refusing to join a pro-regime demonstration
Mohammed's death brought the total number of children killed in the Syrian uprising to 282.
But this one has further galvanised the opposition to Bashar al-Assad's Baathist regime, due to the appallingly public nature of the killing, and video recordings of Mohammed with blood gushing from his chest.
Fulsome tributes to his memory have marked him out as an icon of the resistance to Assad. One said: 'He left for school; now he is a school unto himself,' while another dubbed him 'Martyr Mohammed'.

Funeral: Mohammed was the 282nd child to die as a result of the unrest which has been raging all year
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2063874/Mohammed-Mulla-Eissa-murder-Boy-15-refused-join-march-Syrias-President-Assad.html#ixzz1eHClj7Sm
ReplyDeleteWhat horror it must be to grow up under such tyranny. The depth of Arab depravity in such regimes is mind-boggling.
ReplyDeleteI have no problem with them shooting their own. In fact, I would like to encourage it.