Message to one diktator re another

Sunday 7 November 2010

Resettling to the UK: The Gateway Protection Programme

What is the Gateway Protection Programme?
The Gateway Protection Programme is the name of the UK’s new resettlement programme.
The first refugees on this resettlement programme arrived in the UK March 2004. The UK
hopes to receive a quota of up to 500 refugees every year through the Programme.What is resettlement?

Resettlement is one of three durable solutions advocated by the Office of the United Nations
High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), and a means of addressing the special needs of
refugees. It involves an assessment by the resettlement state against specific criteria, leading
to permanent resettlement if accepted. It can be a long and difficult process for the
refugees, ultimately leading to full integration into a new community. Some countries have
long-established resettlement programmes. Those with the largest quotas in 2001 were the
United States (80,000 refugees), Canada (11,000), and Australia (10,000). The other durable
solutions advocated by UNHCR are voluntary repatriation and local integration (see
Is thisthe UK’s first resettlement programme?
No. The UK already operates two informal resettlement programmes: the Mandate Refugee
Scheme and the Ten or More Plan. The UK has also received refugees through specific
programmes in response to emergency situations, including 42,000 Ugandan Asians expelled
from Uganda from 1972-74, 22,500 Vietnamese displaced persons from 1979-92, over 2,500
Bosnians in the early 1990s, and over 4,000 Kosovars in 1999.
Who is involved?
The Gateway Protection Programme is funded by the Home Office and involves international
organisations such as UNHCR and the International Organization for Migration (IOM), other
government departments, local authorities, eight non-governmental organisations (NGOs),
and various community organisations. The eight NGOs deliver services on the Programme.
They are the British Red Cross, the International Rescue Committee (IRC), Migrant Helpline,
Refugee Action, Refugee Arrivals Project (RAP), the Refugee Council, Refugee Housing
Association, and the Scottish Refugee Council. In the early stages of the Programme, these
organisations came together to form the Resettlement Inter-Agency Partnership (RIAP), as a
cost-effective way of pooling resources, maintaining a national overview, and representing
the best interests of refugees.
How areHow are refugees selected?
UNHCR refers applications for resettlement to the Home Office. The Home Office interviews
all principal applicants and their dependants. Cases are assessed and decisions made by the
Home Office individually on their merits. Individuals referred to the UK for resettlement are
considered by UNHCR to be eligible for recognition as refugees according to the 1951
Refugee Convention. Their life, liberty, safety, health, or other fundamental human rights

must also be at risk in the country where they have sought refuge; or, they must be facing
no possibility of long-term security in that country. The UK conducts further checks including
health and security checks.What support do resettled refugees receive?

Refugees on the Gateway Protection Programme receive information, advice and support
from the NGOs involved, through a pre-arrival cultural orientation programme, on-arrival
information sessions, regular home visits, individual case-plans and drop-in sessions. The
support and advice provided by RIAP organisations is designed to help resettled refugees
access mainstream services and benefits for which they are eligible – an important aspect of
minimising dependence and easing integration. Housing is provided, although the refugees
themselves are responsible for paying rent.
Within two weeks of arriving in the UK, resettled refugees are often receiving benefit
payments, looking for work, taking English language courses, and looking at other education
and training opportunities; they have their children enrolled in school, are registered with a
doctor and are regularly using public transport. Support is funded for 12 months.
What shouldWhere can I get further information?
For further information about the Gateway Protection Programme, visit the following
The Home Office at:
The Refugee Council at:
For further information contact the Resettlement Inter-Agency Team at the Refugee Council
on 020 7840 4458.

From Wikipaedia:

The Gateway Protection Programme is a scheme operated by the UK Border Agency in partnership with the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), offering a legal route for a quota of UNHCR-identified refugees to settle in the United Kingdom. The programme was established in March 2004 with a quota of 500 refugees per year, later increased to 750, but the actual number of refugees resettled in each year has been fewer than the quota permitted. LiberianCongoleseSudaneseBurmeseEthiopianMauritanian and Iraqi refugees have been resettled under the programme. The programme enjoys cross-party political support in the British parliament. Evaluations of the programme have praised it as having a positive impact on the reception from local communities received by refugees, but have also noted the difficulties those refugees have faced in securing employment.


UNHCR is able to field enquiries relating to applicants in the UK who may hold Mandate Refugee status or who claim to have been registered in UNHCR camps. Such enquiries can be referred directly to UNHCR’s Branch office in London (see address below) or through its staff currently based in Lunar House, Croydon as part of the ongoing Quality Initiative (QI) Project.
The QI Project is a joint UK Border Agency/UNHCR initiative which monitors the quality of asylum decisions at first instance. UNHCR staff members have been based in Lunar House since August 2004 and are involved in the assessment of asylum decisions and interviews.

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