Message to one diktator re another

Friday 18 June 2010

BBC 10 O'clock News asks Asgar Bukhari's opinion of Zaik Nair, Hate-Preacher

Today the Home Secretary, Theresa May announced the banning of Indian muslim preacher of hate towards Jews and other non-muslims, Zaik Nair. He was due to speak to large crowds at Wembley Stadium, Sheffield and Birmingham. Videos show him declaiming that "all muslims should be terrorists!" have been broadcast but he denies that he is encouraging terrorism.

In the familiar way of commies and muslims, the truth is twisted to be a lie and vice-versa. Everything is relative and right and wrong only exist in a CONTEXT.

If Zaik believes that terrorism is good, that is the equivalent of a policeman who believes fighting crime is good. The terrorist and the policeman are equal because Zaik says so. And, according to the koran, so does allah.

So, the BBC announces that this liar and hypocrite is banned from the UK, and bring on  Asghar Bukhari to give the muslim point of view. You may think, surely not all muslims think like Bukhari? As Khomeini and now Erdogan have said, there is no such thing as moderate or any other type of islam; there is only islam, as it is written in the koran.

Bukhari set up the MPACUK, which was banned on British University campuses, he supported the Iranian fatwa to kill Salman Rushdie and he sent Holocaust-denier David Irvine £60 and a note with the quotation from John Locke:

"All that is needed for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing".

A complete inversion of the meaning, a THEFT of the true meaning of the phrase in order to imply both Irvine and Asghar as well as the host of islamonazis and their leftie "useful idiots", are the "good" men!

This vile nazi was invited onto the BBC to give an opinion on another vile nazi.

Do the BBC then understand that Asghar Bukhari speaks for ALL muslims?

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