Message to one diktator re another

Friday 22 January 2010

Boy Torturers of Edlington: Parents Face (possible)Prosecution - Times Online

This is not the first time young children have been deliberately exposed to extreme violence and pornography in the UK. It is going on all the time. Not only in the UK.

Young children who attend madrassahs here learn this stuff all the time: if you give up islam you will be killed, all Jews, Christians, Zoroastrians etc must be killed. This is all on the first page of the koran. It is their "kulcha". Like some peoples' kulcha is mugging, raping and stabbing, and they must be allowed to practice their kulcha.

This is sharia law at work in the UK: destroy the infidel, make laws so the collapse of their civilisation can be attained, break down the family that binds society.

In Somalia, Saudi arabia, Turkey, syria, Egypt,etc, it is sharia law to stone someone to death, or torture them in prison, or tear their eyes out, if it is done in the name of allah - or in the name of multiculturism. No difference.

The parents of these boys have been known for a long time to social services.

Just like Baby Peter, like Victoria Climbie, like all the many victims of state crimes.

Because the "state" says: nothing is your responsibility, do whatever you want. We are there to support YOU! We will pay you (benefit)and you will be our client.

The state subscribes to it, social services are not against it. It actively encourages it.

Violence and pornography are available anywhere and in this hell of MORAL RELATIVISM that this Labour gov actively encourage, it is considered "normal".

I worked briefly in a London school, where 14 year olds brought in pornographic videos to watch, as their regular teacher was away. They were genuinely puzzled when I put a stop to it.

Young people regularly pass round pornography, hate videos and sadism on their mobile phones.

Aleister Crowley, the satanist and proto-nazi, in the early 20th century had a motto:

"Do what thy will shall be the whole of the Law".

Boy torturers of Edlington: parents face prosecution - Times Online

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